About Me

I’m a passionate web developer with a focus on creating beautiful and functional websites.


Hello! I’m Fadly, a web developer who loves to build visually appealing and user-friendly websites. With a background in Frontend Development, I’m constantly exploring new technologies and design trends.

I specialize in using modern frameworks like Next.js and React, along with styling libraries such as Tailwind CSS. I’m also interested in creating interactive, dynamic user experiences.


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I specialize in building modern, responsive, and high-performance interfaces that prioritize user experience. Using tools like React, TypeScript, and Next.js, I create applications that are scalable, easy to maintain, and optimized for speed and responsiveness. My approach to frontend development ensures that every interface is visually engaging, intuitive, and performs seamlessly across all devices, providing users with a fast, fluid experience.

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For backend development, I focus on building robust and secure server architectures. My preferred stack includesNode.js, Express, and Ruby on Rails for creating versatile and maintainable applications. I design REST APIs that facilitate smooth data exchange and ensure efficient communication between client and server. By using tools like Prisma and databases likePostgreSQL and MongoDB, I can provide high-performance data handling and secure user authentication. My aim is to build backend systems that are reliable, scalable, and optimized for seamless integration with any frontend.

Get in Touch

I’m always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your visions. Feel free to reach out through any of the platforms below!